Live in Liebstein!
The very launch of our heartfelt project of LIEBSTEIN DANCE CASTLE-IN-THE-MAKING.
El Cachivache Tango Orkesta Buenos Aires rocks the Castle!
A history making spring concert to kickoff the first Summer of LOVE/LIEB stein. Come and join everyone and be among those who take the very first steps of this exciting journey with us!
It will be real simple. It will be real magic.
El Cachivache Orkesta is currently one of the most popular tango groups and is widely recognized on the world music circuit. Sometimes called ‘Tango Punk’, the group is characterized by its undeniably creative, original, and also danceable style.
Some call them “modern buffoons”, others describe the music as “communal flat groove”, and both are true. El Cachivache serves up its music in a vigorous manner with a good dose of humor, mixing up overdriven traditional tango music with a post punk look, which simultaneously frightens and attracts both those who already love tango and those who are not – yet – into it.
Your feet will tell you!